Japanischer Druck "Tametomo homare no jikketsu 為朝譽十傑 (Ten Famous Excellences of Tametomo)" von Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Japanischer Druck "Tametomo homare no jikketsu 為朝譽十傑 (Ten Famous Excellences of Tametomo)" von Utagawa Kuniyoshi, 歌川国芳 (Utagawa Kuniyoshi (歌川国芳))

Künstler:Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Titel:Tametomo homare no jikketsu 為朝譽十傑 (Ten Famous Excellences of Tametomo)


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Quelle:British Museum
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Woodblock print, oban tate-e. Minamoto no Tametomo at the age of thirteen, catching arrows shot at him in a competition with Shonagon Nyudo Shinsei.

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