Japanischer Druck "Hashiba Ferry & Tile Films, Sumida River" von Utagawa Hiroshige III

Japanischer Druck "Hashiba Ferry & Tile Films, Sumida River" von Utagawa Hiroshige III, 三代目歌川広重 (Utagawa Ando; Hiroshige III Hiroshige I)

Künstler:Utagawa Hiroshige III

Titel:Hashiba Ferry & Tile Films, Sumida River


Details:Mehr Informationen...

Quelle:Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
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Landscape with two boats ferrying people across a river. On the near shore is a smoke column rising from between two rocks, on the far shore are yellow roofs & trees, beyond are pink trees at the right, at the left on horizon are blue mountains.

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